Exercices de mathématiques
Les ensembles
Les puissances
Les nombres premiers
Développer et factoriser
Aires et volumes
Exercices de français
Les verbes «être», «avoir» et «aller»
L'adjectif possessif/démonstratif/indéfini
La négation - L'interrogation
Le nom et l'article
Les verbes en «-er», «-ir», «-oir» et «-re» au présent
Les pronoms «en» et «y»
Le pronom possessif/démonstratif/indéfini
Comparatif - Superlatif
Futur proche/simple/antérieur
Les verbes pronominaux
Les pronoms compléments/toniques
Impératif - Conditionnel - Subjonctif
Cause - Conséquence - But - Condition
Les comparatifs et les superlatifs
Le discours indirect au présent/passé
Passé composé - Imparfait - Plus-que-parfait
Le passif
Participe présent - Gérondif
Exercices d'anglais
Irregular verbs to practise
past simple - past participle
Past participle
Past simple
Last week he went to the beach.
My friends were in New York in 2021.
Did Sarah work on Tuesday?
They took a shower in the morning.
The thief stole a watch last night.
Mike didn't buy a new car.
The patients read a magazine.
Yesterday morning I ate a sandwich.
The cat drank milk in the kitchen.
He has written many books since 2015.
My brothers have done their homework.
She hasn't woken up yet.
The man has found his keys on the street.
Have you been here before?
How often has Sally met her boss?
Bill has worn his suit for two weeks.
The girl has often sent letters to her penfriend.
Nohëllef Lux présente le livre électronique «The Thirty-Nine Steps» de John Buchan publié par Project Gutenberg.
The man who died
16 pages
The milkman sets out on his travels
9 pages
16 pages
The adventure of the literary innkeeper
The adventure of the radical candidate
15 pages
The adventure of the spectacled roadman
12 pages
21 pages
The adventure of the bald archaeologist
The dry-fly fisherman
14 pages
The coming of the black stone
11 pages
The thirty-nine steps
10 pages
Various parties converging on the sea
19 pages
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